I’ve been sitting in the cut chuckling at the furious reaction to Barack Hussein Obama’s selection of Pastor Rick Warren to deliver his invocation at his inaugural address (LINK).

Some of you emailed me asking for my opinion on the matter. But I have no opinion because I really don’t care who Obama chooses to deliver his invocation. An invocation speech is the least of our worries with Obama soon to be in power.

The progressive movement who desired CHANGE at all costs, are now gnashing their teeth and wringing their hands at slippery Obama’s predictable flip flopping.

Campaign rhetoric aside, the fact is Obama showed us and told us who he really was long before his supporters lifted him up on their shoulders and carried him to victory.

Everyone turned a blind eye to his decades long associations with shady radicals and extremists. Obama has a proven track record of getting into bed with those around him who share his convoluted socialist ideologies.

Obama promised transparency and Change to the old Washington style of politics. And now Obama has filled out his cabinet with mostly Clinton-era cronies who are the architects of the current economic collapse.

How does your Kool-Aid taste now?