This is a switch: yesterday, the unrepentant terrorist, Bill Ayers, threw his former friend Barack Obama all the way under the bus during an exclusive interview with Alan Colmes on Fox News.

I say it’s a switch because, normally, it’s Obama throwing his friends under the bus.

Ayers is the man responsible for bombing the U.S. Capital, the Pentagon, and NYC police headquarters in the 70s in protest of the Vietnam War.

It was at the Hyde Park home of Ayers that Obama launched his political career. Ayers and Obama would later be appointed to the Annenberg Foundation, where together, they funneled millions of dollars to idealogical allies.

But Obama would later say on national television that Ayers was just someone he “knew from the neighborhood.”

Well, the chickens have come home to roost, so to speak.

During last night’s interview, Colmes asked Ayers for his thoughts on Obama’s decision to send 17,000 more troops into Afghanistan.

“It’s a mistake. It’s a colossal mistake, and, you know, we’ve seen this happen before… We’ve seen a hopeful presidency, Lyndon Johnson’s presidency burn up in the furnace of war. I fear that this brilliant young man – this hopeful new administration could easily burn their prospects of a great presidency in the war in Afghanistan or elsewhere.”