A week after NBA free agent Jason Collins announced his homosexuality in a much-ballyhooed Sports Illustrated cover story, another famed homosexual renounced his lifestyle. But the real story is how the 2 diverging announcements are being handled by the mainstream media.
While the national news media gave Collins a hero’s welcome, Antoine Dodson’s renouncement of his homosexuality has barely registered a blip on the mainstream news radar.
Dodson gained Internet fame after his colorful description of a home invader to a news reporter went viral on YouTube.com.
A Huffington Post article on Dodson’s apparent conversion drew only 186 comments. Contrast that with the thousands of comments under a HuffPo article on Collins’ announcement.
The reason Dodson’s announcement isn’t gaining traction with the news media could be because they aren’t sure whether his announcement is a serious one. But another more likely reason could be that Dodson’s renouncement doesn’t fit in with the media’s gay agenda.
Interestingly enough, a CNN reporter who tweeted me on Sunday seemed oblivious to the media’s gay agenda. I found that interesting because the media conglomerate that she works for (CNN) is the main one spearheading the gay agenda movement.
What is the gay agenda, you ask?
The gay agenda is a concerted effort by the liberal news media to reprogram young people to perceive homosexuality as a normal, healthy alternative by putting a positive spin on homosexual-themed stories.
Examples of this movement would be the media’s current obsession with gay athletes, and the highlighting of happily married gay couples, while ignoring the fact that only 26% of gay couples stay together an average of 5 years, compared to 66% for heterosexual couples.
Another example is the recent announcement of an outbreak of a strain of meningitis that is affecting the gay male community in NYC. That news was quickly swept under the rug by the press.
Homosexual activists, who have allies within the media, the White House, schools and major corporations, seek to destroy traditional marriage and enact laws that will make homosexuality a mandatory curriculum in all schools.
Homosexual rights groups defend the gay agenda by claiming it will save lives — as if only gay children are the victims of bullying in schools.
Oprah Winfrey interviewed Collins and his family for an upcoming episode of “Oprah’s Next Chapter” on her OWN Network.
If you’re expecting Oprah to interview Dodson, too — don’t hold your breath.