Remember that male hooker video from that I posted a while back? I told you that my photographer Freddyo traveled to the seedy side of Atlanta where men troll for sex with young thugs before going home to their families.

I promised you that Fred would post other videos from that night exposing the names of certain individuals from the upper echelons of Atlanta society who hit those corners on the regular. Pastor Ma$e is one name that you already know. But the other names may surprise you.

There’s the pastor of a megachurch who preaches anti-gay rhetoric in the pulpit while prowling the streets at night looking for a hard body to satisfy his carnal urges. Then there’s the Falcons football player who would die, just die, if his name got out.

Then there’s the thug rapper who officially arrived on the scene at the tender age of 17 in 1999 with a couple of big hits. His image was that of a hardened street thug. But behind closed doors, he toots his booty up faster than Karrine Steffans!

And lastly, there’s the R&B singer who’s been around for a minute – who is on a first name basis with all the Beyonce’s on the stroll – that’s right, he prefers the trannies.

Unfortunately, you will never get to see those videos. Within hours of me posting the above video, no less than 60 people called Fred urging him NOT to release the other videos. I tried my best to talk him into it but he wouldn’t budge. Even Jermaine Dupri tried to talk him into putting the videos up!

The problem is that Fred is the nicest guy in the entire industry. Whenever I try to put celebs on front street, Fred says, “Maybe we should give him another chance.” Or when I remind him that a certain artist has dissed me in the past, Fred says, “that’s when we show more love.”

I think Fred’s “show more love” attitude has rubbed off on me a little. For instance, yesterday, I killed a story I was writing called “The Adventures of L*******.” It involved the extracurricular activities of our favorite rapper and, shall we say, a model?

Next time I’m about to put a celeb on blast, I know not to run it by Pastor Fred. I’m going to show more love instead. After all, hits aren’t everything. :)