The name of the program is TIP (Truancy Intervention Program), not TILT as I earlier wrote.


As most of you know, T.I. is still under federal monitoring guidelines while he fulfills his court ordered community service before doing time in federal prison come January. However, it’s looking more and more like T.I. has already completed his community service and moved on with his life.

We’re hearing rumors of T.I. demanding ridiculous cash fees upfront to host parties at nightclubs – despite the fact that the rapper has to be in the house by 1 AM on days that he is “working”.

Last week I heard from a bank loan officer, whose girlfriend is a teacher in the Atlanta Public School system. According to her, T.I. was scheduled to speak to students in the TILT TIP Program – a community-based teaching and truancy intervention program. technology program designed to extend learning beyond the classroom walls.

As part of their reward for fulfilling their goals in the program, the kids were treated to a meet and greet with members of the Atlanta Braves on Thursday (5/29).

When the time came for T.I. to surprise the kids with their awards, he was a no-show. A call was hastily placed to T.I.’s attorney who said, “He’s not coming. He never was coming.”

In all fairness, T.I. may not have been aware that his presence was expected at the Braves’ offices, but someone made arrangements for him to be there the same as they made arrangements for him to be at the MTV Movie Awards this weekend.