(Click image to enlarge)

As Fresh of Crunk & Disorderly would say: this side eye from T.I. is very necessary, lol. First off, I’m not posting this photo to make fun of the kid. I think the kid is a cutie. I’m just trippin’ over what he has on.

Apparently this style of dress is some new fad the kids are into. So parents: be prepared to spend extra dough on t-shirts for your kids to destroy by cutting the sleeves off and slitting the tee down the sides – all in the name of fashion.

The kid, whom loyal reader Divine Lavender refers to as “Snoop in a green frock,” attends a radical school in Chicago where the emphasis is placed on educating black children at all costs as evidenced by the school’s simple but powerful slogan: “Educate or Die”.

There’s a long back story to this photo which was sent to me by Divine Lavender. But if I repeat the back story, Divine Lavender might get disowned by her family.

According to Divine Lavender, T.I. was convinced to speak at the school by the teacher in the video posted below.


Let’s suffice it to say that the lead teacher is a 70s Symbionese Liberation Army-type dude who screamed “EDUCATE OR DIE!” all during T.I.’s speech to the kiddies two weeks ago.

I’m told that while at the school, T.I. didn’t have the security that he “wanted and needed”. Nor did he get his required proof of community service letter from the school officials after he spoke to the kiddies.

I’m all for radical ideas that will help raise our children’s abysmal nationwide test scores. But I don’t know if I would like my Leroy attending a school where the overall message is to get good grades or die. :?