has obtained documents that show in 2002 Jennifer Hudson’s sister Julia Hudson, her brother Jason Hudson and her deceased nephew’s father Gregory King were all arrested for selling crack cocaine out of the same house where Jason and his mother Darnell Donerson were found shot to death last week.
Neighbors told Newsradio780 that Jason regularly sat in a chair in front of the home all day, every day.
As I told you yesterday, police believe they have located the murder weapon. A woman called in a tip to police describing a white Suburban similar to the one found on Monday with Julian King’s body inside.
She said the vehicle cut through a vacant lot near Kolin Avenue and she watched as the occupants tossed a weapon out a window. The witness said she saw two men in the vehicle driving throughout the neighborhood on Saturday.
William Balfour was detained by police as a person of interest on Friday and is now in state custody. Police believe there are at least two killers and are searching for another person of interest.
- We’ve obtained arrest reports and other docs in connection with a sting operation in Chicago. On March 4, 2002, Chicago cops targeted Jason Hudson, Jennifer’s murdered brother, and Gregory King, the father of Julian, the murdered 7-year-old boy. Both men allegedly sold crack cocaine to a registered informant. Cops then raided the very home where Jason was murdered last week. According to documents, Jason, Gregory and Julia (Jennifer’s sister) were all arrested.
Julia was never charged with a crime. Jason was charged with cocaine trafficking, but the main count was dismissed in 2004 because the judge ruled police conducted an illegal search. During that hearing, Jennifer’s mom had to choose whether to go to Hollywood to watch her daughter on “American Idol” or be in court…she chose the latter.
Gregory was convicted. Jason agreed to enroll in a drug abuse program and the less serious remaining charge was dismissed.
Cops say Jason and Gregory were affiliated with the gang, Gangster Disciples. That’s the same gang that William Balfour, the “person of interest” was in. The lawyer who repped Jason told TMZ cops often jumped to conclusions and assumed people in that neighborhood were gang members. Source