Just to be clear: no one is saying Barack Obama has to end the war between Israel and the Palestinians. That’s never going to happen.

Muslims want Obama to denounce the war the same way he denounced Russia for dropping bombs on Georgia.

But that’s never going to happen either. Because speaking out against the war would not benefit Obama or his rich and powerful Jewish supporters who pull his strings.

Loyal reader Keziah wrote:


I read your blog everyday and sometimes you make me crack up laughing and other times all I can do is shake my head. This time I wanted to stand up and give you a standing ovation when I read your blog about Muslims Protesting Obama. Sandra I just had this same discussion on a popular networking site because I too felt that it is our new President’s duty to speak out on the genocide that is occurring on Palestine. I know there is nothing he can personally do about it but I do think that he has a moral responsibility to say how much is too much.

Every year we give Israel 5 Billion dollars or more in tax payers money for what I do not know because the last time I checked their economy was doing just fine. 5 Billion Dollars is a lot of money and could be used to fix the No Child Left Behind Act by providing it with the funding it so desperately needs. We also give Israel the weapons that are killing these innocent people. Sandra I have two babies of my own and every time I look at their little faces and I hear about what’s going on over there my heart breaks.

Irregardless to whose right and whose wrong those babies deserve a future yet while they are sleeping at night the weapons that we give to Israel catches them unaware and kills them. Five little sisters out of one man’s seven children were killed while they were all sleeping in their beds. They ranged in age from 4 to 17!

Are these Hamas members?

What Obama says does not make sense at all, he spoke out on the Russia – Georgia conflict earlier this year, he’s talking about the economy, he talked about the abhorrable actions of terrorist in India but he can not talk about the 520 people over 100 of this are women and children in Palestine that are being slaughtered? Yesterday a hospital parking lot was bombed in Gaza, four paramedics were killed trying to get wounded patients to the hospital. The foreign press have been banned from Gaza even the
Israeli Supreme Court ruled that they should be allowed in. The only way to find out what’s really going on there is to watch Al-Jazeera English because they already had two reporters on the ground there before this latest incursion. These images are going out to the Arab World and are no doubt going to create Blow Back against us in the future.

Sandra I just wanted to say Thank You for caring enough to post that and keeping it real! I voted for Obama, I drove out to West Philadelphia with my 2 year old and my 11 month old and walked up and down the street for his GOTV campaign, I stood in line twice just to get to see him in person and hear what he had to say. I was really hoping he was going to practice what he reached but I must say I am extremely disappointed and I now feel where you coming from.

Thanks so much. Keziah

Photo source: Atlas Shrugs