People magazine has more details on what happened to Usher’s wife Tameka Foster-Raymond during a botched liposuction operation last week in Sao Paula, Brazil. [LINK]

According to Ellen Dasptry, a rep for Sao Paulo plastic surgeon Dr. Silvio Sterman, who was to perform the liposuction procedure, Tameka went into cardiac arrest shortly after going under anesthesia.

According to Dasptry, the liposuction procedure was not performed. After going into cardiac and respiratory arrest, Tameka was revived with CPR, and transferred to ICU where she was placed in a medically induced coma for 24 hours.

It’s obvious that certain information is being left out. Maybe because there is a lawsuit waiting in the wings?

Putting a patient into a deep (no brain activity) coma just so the patient can rest from a heart attack seems a little extreme.

A more likely scenario would be if Tameka had difficulty awakening from the anesthesia or she suffered seizures coming out of the anesthesia. It’s rare, but it happens.

So to protect her brain from injury, doctors would induce a deep coma to slow the brain activity and allow the brain to rest.

Again, I’m just guessing.

But that would explain why a neurosurgeon (brain specialist) was flown from LA to Brazil to evaluate Tameka.