This weekend, while browsing through the social networking micro-blog Twitter, I saw a curious exchange of tweets (messages) left by former talk show host Star Jones.
One thing I’ve noticed in my short time on Twitter is that everybody thinks they’re an expert at something on Twitter. I’m assuming Star Jones thinks she’s an expert at child rearing or something.
Consider what she tweeted to her followers if parents ask them if their children are cute:
StarJonesEsq: never tell anyone the truth if they ask are their kids: cute, too bad, to fresh, etc. you can’t tell folk the truth about their kids. LOL
Marcia_Sinclair: @StarJonesEsq “Truth” is subjective when it comes to cute, bad or fresh children. Usually a parent has been told enough times & don’t ask.
StarJonesEsq: @Marcia_Sinclair “Not for Nuthin”, as we used to say in Brooklyn, you know if your kids are cute, bad or fresh… we don’t need to tell you!
I beg to differ: as human beings we do need compliments to help build self esteem and confidence as children. It’s called common courtesy to compliment a friend’s child. Common courtesy is something that Star Jones obviously lacks.
It’s clear to me now that Star never had anyone tell her she was pretty or worthwhile when she was growing up or she would not be online telling folks not to compliment their friend’s children.
Photo: Getty Images