Loyal reader Slim writes:
I’m a regular visitor to your website and usually I don’t agree with what you write.. .especially about Beyonce:-)
But, lately I have opened my eyes to what’s really going on with the Obama administration. Yes, I have stopped drinking the kool aid:-). I remember last year I couldn’t wait to vote for him and did everything I could to get him in the office. I volunteered many weekends for his cause because I did believe he was the change we needed.
Well, here I am today wondering why people easily forget that the same rule that applied in the past still exist today just with a black face on it.
He’s not to blame but people really need to see who is behind the curtain pulling his strings. I am no longer voting for either party because it really don’t matter.
Oh by the way, I am originally from Kenya but a citizen of the U.S… so please let your readers know that I’m not an old white lady upset because he is black.
Thanks for opening my eyes about Obama.
Please lay off Beyonce:-)