By now some of you have already heard about the woman who caused a riot at a Burlington Coat Factory store by claiming she won $1.5 million in a lottery and promised to pay store customer’s purchases up to $500.

It turned out the woman had a history of mental problems and didn’t even have enough cash to pay for the limousine that she pulled up to the store in.

Well, yesterday, The Tyra Show and America’s Top Model past contestant Tocarra Jones handed out 1,000 coats at the Covenant House in NYC. The episode will air on November 9. This good deed makes up for that foolishness on an upcoming episode when Tyra airs the first ever colonic cleansing procedure live.

There’s no need for any of you to email me the benefits of colon cleansing, because as I’ve said many times in the past, I am a registered nurse and I know that the claims of miracle health benefits via colon cleansing are bogus. So spare me.

But isn’t Tocarra stunning? She stays rewinding that 15 minute clock!

Photos: Getty Images