I see you rolling your eyes. But trust me, this story shows the depths that Mathew Knowles will go to pull the wool over our eyes for his spoiled daughter, Beyonce. The acorn doesn’t roll far from the tree. You can see where Bey gets her dishonesty and evil spirit from:

Producer Rob Fusar, who has worked with the likes of Lady GaGa, Britney Spears and Will Smith, is furious that Beyonce took credit for composing “Bootylicious”.

Fusari tells Billboard magazine, “I came up with the idea to build a track using the guitar riff from Stevie Nicks’ Edge of Seventeen.

“I figured I’d put the guitar loop on there temporarily, and later go into the studio with a guitar and replay it, because I’d learned, after sampling Stevie Wonder’s I Wish for Will Smith’s Wild Wild West, that I didn’t want to lose 50 per cent of the publishing (royalties). I vividly remember telling Mathew Knowles, ‘Mathew, you got to book me into your studio and let me replay that riff.’

“He didn’t want to do it. So 50 percent got cut for one note. That whole experience was bittersweet for me.

“I remember watching Barbara Walters interview Beyonce about Bootylicious, and she told Barbara about how she came up with the idea for the track.”

Fusari, who went on to help Lady Gaga launch her pop career, insists he was brushed off when he complained about the interview, adding, “I called Mathew – which was a big mistake; I got emotional, and I apologised after – but I called Mathew and said, ‘Mathew, like, why?’ He explained to me, in a nice way, he said, ‘People don’t want to hear about Rob Fusari, producer from Livingston, N.J. No offence, but that’s not what sells records. What sells records is people believing that the artist is everything.’ And I’m like, ‘Yeah, I know, Mathew. I understand the game. But come on, I’m trying too. I’m a squirrel trying to get a nut, too.'” Read More…

Thanks to loyal reader Kalendria for the tip!