Thanks to loyal reader Jessica for sending in this clip. Peep the scene where Trey observes himself longingly in the mirror, as if he’s in love with his own image.

One day you will all thank me for pointing out the obvious to you. But for now, continue to believe this man is straight and that you have a fighting chance…

Hey Sandra…

It’s me, one of your loyal readers. As always lovin your site. I just wanted to let you know that u dont have to tell me twice something is super suspect wit Trey Songs, as in him bein bi/homo. I really get those vibes from him every time I see him on TV/Magazines/Live. To me if a man knows his best angles when takin a picture and knows what works good in photos like puckering his lips or squinting his eyes (trends I’ve seen alot in Trey Songs and at times Kanye West) something is up. Just have fun wit your photos or be natural. You a man. And for the record, yes Trey Songz is a very talented singer…

But I just wanna know who did he screw to get so much saturation in the r&b lane… dude cant even dance. Oh I forgot Usher was on hiatus and Chris Brown sucker punched his own career…. time for a new young hearthrob… next in line was Trey… Anyways, just wanted to tell you I watched this lil 30 second clip of Trey behind the scenes at his VIBE shoot and WOW!! my gaydar went off the meter! Funny how this little tiny bit of footage gave off so much… especially when he stops to glance at his nails as if he’s thinkin damn they did a good job on my mani! If Trey isnt gay then can he just stop tryin so hard to prove he’s sexy.. its bad enough he looks like Tevin Campbell.

Have a good day!!