In last night’s episode of Braxton Family Values, Traci Braxton performs with her sister, Toni Braxton, for the first time. And mama Evelyn Braxton introduces her man friend, Doc, to Trina and her husband Gabe at lunch.
Gabe informs Evelyn and Doc that they don’t seem “evenly yoked” because Evelyn says she “likes” Doc, but Doc says he likes Evelyn “a lot.”
Trina, Tamar and Towanda grill Evelyn for details on her 3-week relationship with Doc. Evelyn tells her kids to mind their own business. “My girls really need to grow up, and take their minds out of the gutter,” says Evelyn. “Everything is not sex!”
Evelyn explains that when a woman reaches a certain age of maturity, she marries for reasons other than love.
“You don’t want to be by yourself, you don’t want to grow old by yourself … It’s a difference with the mindset of a mature woman,” she tells her daughters.
Trina responds with an anecdote of her own: “Well somebody told me that if you put a condom on your heart … that if somebody screw with it, you’ll be protected,” she says.