After listening to GOP presidential candidate Rick Santorum’s gaffe over and over again, I would have to say that I don’t hear Santorum uttering the N-word.
I reached this conclusion because racists don’t bite their tongues when spewing their hatred. Biting their tongues would require some sort of conscience, human decency or morals and standards. And we know that racists don’t possess any of those attributes or character traits.
How could a God-fearing father of 7 and faithful husband be a racist? Mr. Santorum is guilty of a mere slip of the tongue, also known as a Freudian slip.
I choose to believe that Mr. Santorum was about to say “We know the candidate Barack Obama what he was like: the anti-war, government NIG-gotiator…”
Meanwhile, pressure is mounting for Santorum to bow out of the presidential race. The GOP have all but announced their intentions to name Mitt Romney as the GOP candidate for the presidency. But Santorum, 53, refuses to drop out of the GOP race.
Santorum thinks he still has a chance to win the nomination, even though his campaign is buried under the weight of surging poll numbers that are in favor of Romney.

Thanks to Ernest Ortiz at CBS Radio for the tip!