We would all be in big trouble if we were held to the same rigid standards that the media holds certain presidential candidates to.

GOP candidate Mitt Romney was forced to apologize today for boyhood pranks he committed while in high school decades ago. According to classmates of young Romney, Mitt allegedly cut the hair of a boy who he considered to be gay.

According to the liberal media, Romney objected to the boy’s bleached blonde locks. So he assembled “a posse” of friends to hold the boy down while he took a pair of scissors to his head.

The accusations came one day after President Obama made history by endorsing same sex marriages.

In a statement released today, Romney apologized for not being straitlaced and perfect in high school back in the 1960s.

Romney said: “Back in high school, you know, I did some dumb things. If anyone was hurt by that or offended by that, obviously I apologize. But overall, high school years were a long time ago.”

The boy whose hair was cut was expelled from high school for smoking and later died of liver cancer in 2004.

Too bad Mitt Romney didn’t know back then that he would be running for president in 2012, or he would have been as perfect as the rest of us.