Murder suspect George Zimmerman’s attorneys formally announced their intention to seek a ‘Stand Your Ground’ hearing today. Zimmerman, 28, claimed self-defense when he shot unarmed teenager Trayvon Martin in a gated Florida townhome community in February.
Zimmerman’s defense team formally announced today that it would seek a “stand your ground” hearing because case evidence shows “clear support for a strong claim of self-defense,” according to the Orlando Sentinel’s website.
But a compilation audio of Zimmerman’s 911 call and interrogation tapes reveal a case that is not so clear cut.
In the audio compilation that was uploaded to YouTube, Zimmerman is heard contradicting himself about the reason he got out of his truck to follow Trayvon that fateful night.
But the most compelling portion of the tape is the sound of Zimmerman cocking his automatic weapon before he exits his vehicle. If, in fact, Zimmerman cocked and loaded his handgun before exiting the vehicle, then it proves that he lied when he said he was not profiling and following Trayvon.
The sound of Zimmerman cocking his gun is at the 6:13 mark.

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