When Barack Obama introduced ObamaCare early in his first term as U.S. president, debates raged on conservative blogs as to the universal healthcare’s main objective. Many believed that ObamaCare’s underlying purpose was to control the population — specifically a non-productive, unruly part of the population that continues to breed out of control.
That line of thinking was fueled by Obama’s choice for “Science Czar” John Holdren, who co-wrote a book about 30 years ago advocating forced abortions and mass sterilizations as a form of population control.
But as ObamaCare wound its way through Congress and eventually to the Supreme Court, it became clear that the extent to which Obama was willing to resolve the ‘hoodrat problem’ was through abortion funding and making it easier for teens to get abortions without parental approval.
Last May, an Atlanta mall security guard recorded a confrontation with two verbally abusive hoodrats, which descended quickly into pushing and shoving. The mall guard, Darien Long (pictured above), was forced to taser one of the women who punched Long and screamed profanities in full view of her small children.
“You better back it up!” warned the mall guard as the women’s toddlers chimed in with a chorus of “THAT’S WHY YOU GAY!”
The video footage, from a camera attached to Long’s vest, went viral, and now donations are pouring in from concerned citizens who want to supply Long with “better and more gear” to battle the mall scourge. Donors have now raised over $22,000 and counting for Long, Newsone.com reports.
Click HERE to donate.
Update: Added 2nd video of thugs threatening to shoot the same mall guard.
Update II: A previous version of this post was updated to add Mr. Long’s photo and a link to donate.

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