Michelle Burdo

CBS46 host Michelle Burdo has apologized for using the archaic racial descriptor ‘colored’ while speaking to a woman of African descent.

“Let me tell you something,” Burdo said during a live discussion with an African-American hair expert, “I’m not a colored woman but I have kinky hair just like her and when you straighten it every day, it’s…” she paused, searching for the right word. “Healthier,” she added.

On Tuesday’s show, Burdo apologized profusely for her Freudian slip.

“Yesterday, I made a pretty insensitive remark during one of our segments here on Better Mornings Atlanta. I apologize… Once again, I truly want to say from the bottom of my heart that I really am sorry about that comment. I made that comment in reference to my hair color but I used an inappropriate term.”

According to AJC Radio & TV Talk‘s Rodney Ho, someone posted a video of the exchange on Facebook, and the comments exploded.

“what the hell,” “we are living in sad times” and “Her color is IGNORANT and UNINFORMED. Where did they find her… Mars?”

FB user Camille Mahdi wrote: “LOL, she probably meant to say one thing, but said what she was thinking. That’s honesty. She’s an idiot, but I am not offended in the least bit.”

In his article on AJC.com, Rodney asked, “Is “colored” merely an outdated phrase or is it offensive?”

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