Prancing Elites

Oprah’s Oxygen Network aired the series premiere of the Prancing Elites last night. The show features 5 gender confused men who prance around in leotards, heels and majorette costumes. The Elites spend most of their time trolling parades and intimidating Alabama residents who cling tightly to their traditional values.

This is the image of black men that is being promoted aggressively in the media to counterbalance society’s image of black men as violent, pants sagging thugs and criminals.

White America is intimidated by intelligent, successful, articulate, masculine black men. The media has a history of portraying black men as scary dangerous criminals who deserve to be killed by trigger-happy white cops.

The destruction of the black male image continues with Oprah’s latest image of black men as safe and effeminate.

We shouldn’t be surprised that Oprah is selling a warped image of black men to America. Oprah, 61, was raped at age nine and pregnant by age 14. She repeatedly reminds us that she was sexually abused by men.

Oprah and the media would like nothing more than to present The Prancing Elites as the perfect role models for young black boys.

Black men are slowly marching towards extinction. The pool of available black men is shrinking. For every 100 black women in America there are only 83 black men — and roughly half of those men are gay or bisexual (down low). The NY Times recently conducted a study that shows 1.5 million black men are missing. The single largest gap of missing black men in America is in Ferguson, MO.

But rather than focus on the crises in black America, Oprah wants to focus on sexually dysfunctional black men in tights and majorette costumes.

Thanks for nothing Oprah.

YouTube video

An earlier version of this post incorrectly stated that Oprah accused Bill Cosby of raping her. Oprah never made such an accusation. We regret the error.