Khloe Kardashian

Socialite Khloe Kardashian, 31, freaked out over thousands of comments left under the above photo ridiculing her “puffy” face. Kardashian, who is no spring chicken anymore, has undergone extensive cosmetic procedures to regain her youthful looks. In addition to many procedures on her face, she reportedly had liposuction to transfer fat from her abdomen and thighs to her butt.

Like her sisters and mother, Khloe can’t tolerate any sort of criticism. She took to her Twitter page to shut down comments that suggest she had more work done on her face.

“I find it disgusting but maybe a compliment that I’m being accused of getting Lipo done. I work out five days a week. I bust my as*!” Her frustrated social media rant continued with the question, “Why is it so hard to give credit where credits due? [sic] I work my as* off in the gym. Again maybe I should be flattered?!?! Hummmmm”