Hillary Clinton’s poor health is fueling rampant speculation across the country.
Clinton’s coughing fits, facial twitches and accidental falls have led to questions about the status of Clinton’s health. But the 69-year-old medical records are a closely guarded secret.
Pharmaceutical executive Martin Shkreli thinks he knows what’s ailing the first female to be nominated for president.
Shkreli says Clinton’s tremors and unstable gait (unsteady walking) are signs of Parkinson’s disease.
“We’ve all seen the videos of her kind of making these perplexed facial movements,” says Shkreli, referring to her inability to control her facial movements.
Shkreli said her seizure-like facial movements are signs of a form of Parkinson’s-induced dyskinesia.
“This is classic symptom….if you showed someone that symptom and said ‘name the disorder’ it’s not a seizure….it’s PD-LID, no doubt about it in my mind,” adds Shkreli.
The Ralphretort.com believes Clinton travels with an army medic disguised as a Secret Service agent.
That’s him helping Clinton up some steps in February.
In the above photo, the medic, who is wearing an emergency medical pin on his lapel, seems to be carrying an auto-injector pen.
He is also wearing a photo badge, which Secret Service agents aren’t required to wear.
Ralphretort.com believes the device the man is holding may be used to inject the anti-seizure drug Diazepam.
Ralph Retort blog points to this video footage from a recent Clinton rally that appears to show Clinton having a seizure at the podium.

A medic rushed onstage and appears to quickly place something in Clinton’s left hand.
After he handed her the item, the agent then moved in close to block the view of her hand from the crowd behind her.
It’s at this time that observers believe she may have injected herself.
Within seconds Clinton’s face relaxed and she resumed talking to the crowd.
The Ralph Retort assumed she froze because the Secret Service agents were onstage. The man is seen shooing the Secret Service agents off the stage.
But why would the presence of Secret Service agents stress her out so much that she froze onstage?
Is she allergic to Secret Service agents?
Twitter users started a hashtag, #HillarysHealth, and are demanding that Clinton be given a full physical and mental evaluation.
Twittter users accuse the leftwing media of covering up Clinton’s obvious medical problems by simply ignoring her obvious signs of distress.
While still FROZEN, Hillary is rescued by a male Secret Service agent, who reassures her, “You’ll be OK.”https://t.co/et8HGcxJsV
— Mike Cernovich (@Cernovich) August 6, 2016
Stairs are a real problem for #Hillary. pic.twitter.com/gYXwZj6hMG https://t.co/kYlKNWDhD6
— Pat (@grammy620) August 7, 2016