Troubled comedienne Kathy Griffin held a long, rambling news conference today during which she apologized again to the public for taking a photo holding what appeared to be President Trump’s decapitated head earlier this week.
With her lawyer Lisa Bloom by her side, the comedienne’s voice trembled as she portrayed herself as the victim. “I’m the shiny object. I get it. We all know what’s going on here,” she said.
“I’m not afraid of Donald Trump. He’s a bully,” she continued. “I’ve dealt with older, white guys trying to keep me down my whole life, my whole career.”
Her decision to hold a news conference came after Griffin lost five upcoming shows and endorsement deals, while CNN bosses fired her as the co-host of their annual New Year’s Eve telecast.
Griffin said she believed the “sitting President of the United States” and his children were “personally trying to ruin my life forever!”
“He’s never going to stop,” she said.
The 56-year-old alternated between cracking one-liners and tearfully pleading her case — although no tears fell during her awkward stand up comedy routine.
He broke me,” she said, “and then I was, ‘Right, this isn’t right!’ I started to see what was happening and then there was a mob mentality… There’s a bunch of old white guys trying to silence me.
Griffin said she has been getting death threats. “I did not think that people would wanna murder me.”
She added: “I wish the President would govern, instead of trying to do what he is trying to do.”