Mike Colter

Mike Colter is not a household name. Many people who don’t subscribe to Netflix were unfamiliar with Colter until his web TV series, Luke Cage, was canceled last week. Now his name is everywhere.

Colter shared an adorable image of his newborn baby daughter as he reminisced on the 2 years he spent as Marvel Studio‘s Luke Cage comic book superhero.

“Luke Cage represented something more than just entertainment,” he wrote early Monday. “As one door closes, another has opened.”

@MarvelsLukeCage added to our social commentary and made viewers think by challenging the norm and putting out a character that reflected the everyday hero, one with flaws, strengths and everything in between. I am forever grateful to Marvel and Netflix for letting me portray such a prolific character, and thank the amazing fans. As one door closes, another has opened, with the birth of my 2nd daughter. Born this week. A lot of great memories. Time to make more. Always forward, forward always”.

Question: did you watch Luke Cage? Did the series make you think by challenging the norm and reflecting the everyday hero?

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