Star Brim, Cardi B

This is why you can’t trust your girlfriends around your man; they can’t be trusted. According to rapper Offset’s mistress, Summer Bunni, Offset got some trim from Cardi’s bestie, Star Brim before she was shipped upstate to the penitentiary.

Cardi makes it clear she will fight anyone for her best friend, Star Brim, who is locked up on credit card fraud charges. But will Cardi fight Star when she gets out of prison now that she knows she’s been betrayed?

As you know, Summer Bunni was implicated as the direct cause of Cardi’s impending divorce from Offset, who apparently spends most of his spare time between the legs of various fast women.

But like most newlyweds, Cardi was in denial. She refused to believe the rumors — even though her man fathered 4 babies by four different women.

That should’ve been a red flag right there. But she’s young. She will learn.


Summer Bunni


Summer Bunni

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