President Donald Trump took to Twitter.com on Tuesday to announce he fired his national security adviser John Bolton. But Bolton texted a Fox News reporter to say he wasn’t fired – he quit.
“I informed John Bolton last night that his services are no longer needed at the White House,” Trump said in a tweet. Trump added he “strongly disagreed” with Bolton’s suggestions.
“I disagreed strongly with many of his suggestions, as did others in the Administration, and therefore I asked John for his resignation, which was given to me this morning,” Trump tweeted. He said he would name a new national security adviser next week.
But Bolton denied the president’s claims that he was fired.

“Let’s be clear — I resigned,” he texted Fox News anchor Brian Kilmeade, who read the text on the air.
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo backed up the president at an afternoon press briefing. Pompeo told reporters, “there were many times where Ambassador Bolton and I disagreed, that’s to be sure.”
I’ve lost count on how many cabinet members Trump shoved out the door of the White House in the last 2 years.
Before Trump was elected president he oversaw thousands of employees. So we know he can retain employees.
Photo by Mark Wilson/Getty Images