A 13-year-old boy facing two murder charges made a bold midday escape from a North Carolina courthouse after appearing at a hearing on Tuesday, Nov. 5.
Police say the boy, identified only as Jericho W., escaped from the Robeson County’s department of social services building around 12 p.m.
The child, who was transported from the Cumberland Juvenile Detention Center, was clad in beige prison issue pants and a white shirt. Police say he is barefoot and wearing leg irons. His bold escape triggered a massive manhunt.
Jericho and a 19-year-old male are charged with two counts of first-degree murder with a dangerous weapon in the deaths of Frank Thomas, 34, and Adam Thomas, 33, whose bodies were found in a home they shared.
After appearing at a hearing on the charges, Jericho was placed in a holding area with two other juveniles, according to a spokesperson for Robeson County’s Sheriff’s Office said.
When someone opened the door to the holding area, Jericho bolted through the door and fled into a wooded area outside the building, according to ABC 15 News.
His mother, Nikki Jacobs, pleaded with the juvenile to turn himself in.
“He’s 13 years old and out here in the dark,” said Jacobs. “My baby’s out here somewhere, nobody knows, and he is all alone and hopefully he is safe wherever he is at. I just wish that he would come back … turn himself in and get the help that he needs.”