Angela Rye had some choice words for Trump supporters such as the group of Black political and religious leaders who prayed over the U.S. President after he held a meeting to celebrate Black History Month on Thursday.
The group of about 2 dozen Black leaders and Pastor Paula White lay hands on President Trump and prayed over him in the Cabinet Room of the White House. Afterwards, he did not answer reporters’ questions about the stock market’s worst loss in almost nine years on Thursday.

The group of prayer warriors included activist Candace Owens, Pastor Darrell Scott, Martin Luther King Jr’s niece Alveda King; Terrence Williams, and Lynnette Hardaway and Rochelle Richardson, otherwise known as pro-Trump activists Diamond and Silk.

CNN political commentator Angela Rye attacked Black people who continue to show strong support for the president.
“Shame on you,” said Rye during a segment on CNN’s “Tonight.”
“I think Donald Trump does not have a strong record to stand on as it relates to black unemployment. He has Barack Obama’s record to stand on with that, and I think that at some point, black folks have got to look themselves in the mirror…”
She added, “Instead, you want to give Donald Trump kudos for throwing Cheez-It bits at you and then criticize the people who have spent their careers doing things for the betterment of black people and black society. And I would just say at that point, if you still go over to Donald Trump after that, shame on you. Period.”