The Coronavirus pandemic is wreaking havoc on the global economy as stock markets crash, small business shut down, and more employees are being let go or laid off.
Employees who still have jobs are working from home, and restaurants that haven’t shut their doors have switched to take-out only or delivery only.
Grocery store shelves are bare. Millions of children are out of school for weeks or months, and nursing homes have banned families from visiting their loved ones.
The mass hysteria over the coronavirus is unprecedented in the nation’s history. Never before has the major sports leagues in America canceled their seasons for a virus epidemic or pandemic.
The following are questions culled from my comments section and emails. Hopefully this Q&A will help ease some of your fears and concerns.
What is a coronavirus?
A coronavirus is a virus that causes common respiratory tract infections such as a cold virus.
What is COVID-19?
The novel (new) coronavirus is dubbed COVID-19 because it was first identified in Wuhan China in 2019.
Is Covid-19 deadly?
Covid-19 is deadlier than the common coronavirus because it causes severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) and potentially fatal pneumonia among the elderly population, particularly those with chronic illnesses such as respiratory and heart problems.
What are the symptoms of Covid-19?
The symptoms include fever (over 101.5), cough, and shortness of breath. Other symptoms include sore throat, joint and muscle pain, headaches and weakness.
How is the virus transmitted?
The main route of transmission is via droplets in the air from coughing or sneezing. The other mode of transmission is via touching contaminated objects or surfaces then touching your face.
I have flu-like symptoms? Should I go and get tested?
First, don’t panic. Call your doctor or healthcare professional for instructions. Don’t go to the hospital unless absolutely necessary.
What is the incubation period for Covid-19?
The incubation period (the time before you experience symptoms) is anywhere from 2 days to 14 days.
Is there a cure for Covid-19?
There is no cure for a virus. There are treatments such as Theraflu or a similar medication to relieve the symptoms.
Who is most at risk for dying from Covid-19?
People most at risk for dying from the virus are the elderly, over age 60, who have chronic illnesses such as cancer, respiratory or cardiac problems. And people who smoke.
I was recently in contact with someone who tested positive for Covid-19. How many days should I self-quarantine?
Follow the quarantine instructions on the CDC’s website. Avoid going to the hospital unless absolutely necessary.
Why are young people dying from Covid-19?
Less than 19% of the death cases in Italy are people under age 40. Those young people may have been smokers or vapers. They may also have respiratory illnesses or compromised immunity caused by HIV/AIDS. The data shows that young people who have no preexisting conditions are not affected by the virus.
Is the coronavirus deadlier than the common flu virus?
No. Statistics shows the coronavirus kills an average of 2 people per day (out of a population of 327 million) in America. By comparison, the influenza virus kills 100-200 people per day in America.
Is Covid-19 more contagious than the flu virus?
There is not enough data to know the answer. The CDC is very slow to complete testing – unless you are wealthy or a celebrity.
What is the fatality rate for Covid-19?
According to Dr. Anthony Fauci, the fatality rate is less than 1%. When more Americans are tested for the virus, the fatality rate will fall to 0.1% (same as the flu). About 81% of people who have the virus will recover. A majority of those don’t have symptoms.
Is my child at risk of catching the coronavirus?

The data shows most children who test positive for the coronavirus have no symptoms or mild symptoms. Some children get sick if they have preexisting conditions or weak immunity from a recent cold or the flu. No child has died from Covid-19 anywhere in the world.
Sandra, you keep saying the coronavirus is just like the flu. Isn’t that irresponsible?
What I said is Covid-19 is “no worse than the flu.” Most people who contract Covid-19 have no symptoms or their symptoms are mild. People who have recovered from Covid-19 say it feels like a mild case of the flu.
Are the gheys more vulnerable to dying from Covid-19?
Homosexuals and transgenders are most at risk if they have weak immunity from HIV/AIDS or some other respiratory illness.
Will washing my hands protect me from the virus?
Washing your hands with soap and water for 20 seconds kills the virus on your hands. But you may still contract Covid-19 if someone who is sick coughs or sneezes around you.
I want to comply with social distancing. How far should I separate myself from others?
The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends maintaining a distance of 6 feet from anyone who is coughing or sneezing. The CDC recommends 3 feet of separation between yourself and others.
Can I have sex with my partner if we’re positive for Covid-19?
Covid-19 is not a sexually transmitted disease. But transmission during sex is 100% due to kissing. If you are both positive – and neither of you are sick – you can enjoy physical intimacy to pass the time while you’re both in self isolation.
Can food transmit the coronavirus?
According to the FDA, there is no evidence that Chinese food transmits the coronavirus.
Why is the response to Covid-19 so different from the response to H1N1 (Swine flu) in 2009?
Thanks to the internet and social media, fake news spreads faster now than it did in 2009. Dr. Roger Marshall, who represents Kansas’ 1st district, believes Covid-19 is being “sensationalized,” and he says the news media has blown the virus out of proportion. Dr. Drew Pinsky also criticized the news media for overhyping Covid-19.
Why aren’t celebrities and athletes who test positive for the virus getting sick?
Because the Covid-19 virus is no worse than the flu. Many people are healthy and have strong immune systems to fight off the virus, so they don’t get sick.
Why are so many people dying from Covid-19 in Italy and Iran?
Because the healthcare systems in those countries are not as good as in the United States. Also, many people in those countries are smokers or they were HIV-positive.
Why is there so much hysteria surrounding Covid-19?
Because we live in an era where fake news and bad information spreads instantly via the internet and cable news before it is verified.
What are antibodies?
Antibodies are part of your immune response to any virus. When you catch a cold, your immune system kills the virus then creates antibodies that will recognize that virus and protect you from that virus (except HIV).
If I have Covid-19, can I transmit it to my dog or cat?
One dog in China contracted a “low-level infection” from its owner. The dog did not get sick. Current data shows humans do not transmit Covid-19 virus to their pets.
What is ACE2?
Angiotensin-converting enzyme 2, or ACE2, is a protein that Covid-19 virus attaches to so it can enter human cells to replicate (make copies of itself).
Are Black people immune from Covid-19 because we have less ACE2?
No. Black people can still acquire Covid-19, but the symptoms are usually mild to non-existent.
I heard that a Black person died from Covid-19. Is that true?
Yes. A few Black people have died from Covid-19 because they smoked or they had chronic illnesses such as cancer, AIDs, respiratory or heart problems.
I have diabetes. Should I be concerned?
Just like the flu, Covid-19 can drive your blood sugar up. Monitor your blood sugar and urine ketones if you’re a diabetic Type 1. Be cautious adjusting your insulin dosage (if you take insulin). You should keep emergency carbohydrates on hand in case your blood sugar drops unexpectedly.
I smoke a lot of weed. Should I be concerned?
Yes. The data shows people who smoke or vape are in the high risk category.
I ordered something on Amazon. It’s shipping from China. Should I be concerned?
No. According to the CDC, the virus doesn’t survive long on packages or letters. The virus needs a host to survive. Covid-19 can survive up to 9 days on surfaces but only under laboratory conditions. A hot, stuffy UPS or FEDEX truck is not a laboratory condition.
The CDC offers the following tips to avoid spreading the flu or Covid-19 virus:
1. Wash your hands frequently for at least 20 seconds
2. Avoid touching your face with unwashed hands
3. Avoid close contact with sick people
4. Sneeze and cough into a tissue or your elbow
5. Stay home if you are sick
5. Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces
6. When in doubt consult with a healthcare professional
Any medical information published on this blog is for your general information only and is not intended as a substitute for informed medical advice. You should not take any action before consulting with your personal physician or a health care provider. Sandrarose.com and its affiliates cannot be held liable for any damages incurred by following information found on this blog.