Chicago police followed through on their threat to cite the building owner where a house party was attended by an estimated 1,000 young people amid the Covid-19 lockdown on Saturday.
According to TMZ.com, city officials levied fines against the property owner, and also cited her for disorderly conduct for violating the city’s stay-at-home order.
The amount of the fines will be determined at a later date, as the courthouse is closed during the lockdown.
A city alderman said the property owner is now “on notice”.
The adult child of the owner reportedly had keys to the building and disabled the alarm to hold the party, which was advertised on social media.

Chicago police busted up the party and a similar event nearby. No arrests were made at either location.
Cell phone videos from both parties show hundreds of young folk commingling in close proximity in violation of social distancing rules.
Mayor Lori Lightfoot, a Democrat, reacted angrily to the video footage on Monday, saying those responsible for throwing the party would be held accountable.
“What happened in that scene was just foolish and reckless,” Lightfoot said. “There’s got to be a level of personal responsibility for that. Millennials aren’t children.”