#MeToo founder Tarana Burke reveals her fiancé has tested positive for the coronavirus that causes COVID-19.
In a long Twitter thread on Thursday, Burke shared that her fiancé tested positive for the virus.
“I went back and forth about talking about this but my partner has Covid and the last two weeks of my life have been some of the scariest. The reason why I’m sharing is because I’ve read so much information but the most informative has been first person accounts of folks with it.”
Burke, who won’t reveal her fiancé’s name, added that she and her partner were both exposed to the virus in mid-March because he is an essential employee who works with the homeless.
“It took about three days to figure out that we were probably dealing with Covid,” she said. “In 3 days he went from feeling a little weak to 101.5 fever. Along with the fever he had something we had not read about: sensitive skin. His skin felt like it was burning – even when he barely had a fever of 99+.”
Burke said they both went to the ER where they received Covid-19 tests and he was treated for dehydration and elevated blood sugar. “He was positive and I was negative,” she said.
She described nursing her fiancé back to health. Burke said the doctor told her partner to stay inside for seven more days until the virus had run its course.
“…the doctor instructed him to stay inside at least 7 more days to be sure he’s all the way through it. I would also suggest to let it run its course. He started trying to work out again and nearly fainted! Anyway, please stay safe and do your best not to get it at all.”
Read Burke’s Twitter thread here.