The FBI is asking parents in the Illinois area and beyond to check their sons’s cell phones for evidence of communications with Netflix star Jerry Harris.
Harris, star of Netflix’s cheerleading docuseries “Cheer,” was arrested and charged with production of child p0rnography.

Harris, 21, admitted to soliciting child p0rn from at least 10 children. He also confessed to having sex with a 15-year-old boy at a cheerleading event last year.
None those victims have come forward or contacted law enforcement about their communications with Harris.
The FBI launched an investigation after the mother of 14-year-old twin boys found explicit text messages from Harris on their phones.
The FBI has opened a portal for victims or parents of victims to identify themselves by completing a questionnaire.
The responses are voluntary but some of the information may be used in the investigation. All identities of victims will be kept confidential.
Victims may be eligible for certain services, financial restitution and rights under federal and/or state law.
The FBI website lists usernames that Harris used on Snapchat (jerry_714) and Instagram (@__jcoleofficial) to seduce unsuspecting boys.