Recently, Shawn Mendes expressed his frustration and anger about anti-heterosexual bullies in the LGBT+ community who insist he is same-sex oriented and he should just come on out of the closet.
The 22-year-old Canadian singer said he can’t go online without being taunted by trolls who insist they know he’s on the down low.

No one speaks up for heterosexuals like Shawn who are harassed daily for not being same-sex oriented.
His ordeal sparked a debate on social media about whether heterosexuals have the right to complain when members of the LGBT+ community have been harassed, assaulted and killed for being who they are.
Social media influencer Jay Versace, who is best know for his comedy skits on YouTube and Instagram, shared his views from a Black LGBT male perspective.
In a now-deleted tweet, Jay complained about straight Black men who “sit around all day” and “bully everyone else in the Black community.”

The straight community responded by accusing Jay of being a pedophile.