WSB-TV anchor Jovita Moore is scheduled to undergo surgery to remove two small brain tumors on Friday, April 16.
Jovita worked as a news reporter and anchor at Channel 2 Action News for two decades.
Just before going on air Monday, Jovita told Channel 2’s Justin Farmer that she wasn’t feeling well, according to Channel 2 Action News.
Later, as she walked through a grocery store parking lot, she felt lightheaded. “I was walking. I remember walking across parking lot and feeling like I wasn’t going to make it to the door. I was walking like in quicksand,” Jovita said.

She was rushed to an emergency room, where a brain scan revealed two small brain masses.
“And so we had to start then having a conversation about what that was and what that meant,” Jovita said.
Her neurosurgeon Dr. Edjah Nduom is unclear about her prognosis. They will know more after the surgery Friday morning.
Post-surgery recovery will take 8-10 weeks. She is currently surrounded by family and friends.