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Human rights organizations are calling for an investigation into the brutal massacre of dozens of African migrants at the Morocco-Spain border last week.

Twitter users posted videos of hundreds of African asylum seekers trying to scale the border fence between Morocco and Spain on June 24.

Photos show the bodies of migrants lying outside a gate at the border between Melilla, Spain and Morocco.

Moroccan authorities blamed the deaths on a “stampede” at the border fence.

Morocco’s Human Rights Association reported that 27 migrants had died, while the Spanish NGO Walking Borders is reporting 37 fatalities.

Human rights advocates protested across Spain and the capital of Morocco on Friday, July 1.

The demonstrators shouted “Las Vidas Negras Importan” in Spanish or “Black Lives Matter” in English.

The Chairperson of the African Union Commission H.E. Moussa Faki Mahamat expressed “shock at the violent treatment of African migrants at the Morocco-Spain border.” He called for an immediate investigation into the massacre.

In a press release, Mahamat reminded “all countries of their obligations under international law to treat all migrants with dignity, and to prioritize their safety and human rights, while refraining from using excessive force.”

One Twitter user wrote:

“Dozens of African immigrants from Morocco beaten to death, and treated like animals, why is the Spanish media silent on this ?? #MelillaMassacr, this is 2022 and Africans life do not matter to you all. This is pure evil all because of our race. So heartbreaking.”

Another Twitter user wrote: “The White silence of British media to murder of & inhumanity unleashed on African migrants on Spain-Morocco border is profound.

They hammer on about White #Ukraine? every day but can’t spare ANY time to investigate & report on atrocities against Black ppl.”