The battered wife of Charlotte Hornets star Miles Bridges shared photos of the injuries she allegedly sustained during a domestic violence incident.
Bridges, 24, was arrested Wednesday and charged with felony domestic violence in Los Angeles, TMZ reported.
Bridges turned himself in to police after his wife, Chelley Jonson, called 911 to report he assaulted her.
Johnson had visible injuries when police arrived at her Los Angeles home, but Bridges was already gone. He was released from jail after posting $130,000 bond, TMZ reports.
Someone in Bridges’ camp suggested he hit her in self-defense after she attacked him first. They claim Bridges suffered years of abuse at his wife’s hands.
An outraged Johnson took to social media to defend herself against the scurrilous accusations. She shared photos of her facial injuries in her post.
“I hate that it has come to this but I can’t be silent anymore,” she said. “I’ve allowed someone to destroy my home, abuse me in every way possible and traumatize our kids for life. I have nothing to prove to the world, but I won’t allow anyone who could do something so horrible to have no remorse and paint a picture of something I’m not.”
She continued:
“I won’t allow the people around him to continue to silence me and continue to lie to protect this person. It’s unethical, it’s immoral, it’s truly SICK. It hurts my heart because I’ve always had hope, and so much love and as scary as this is for me to do it’s time I stand up for myself. I won’t be silent to protect others anymore because I value myself and my kids more than anyones ‘image’… a fractured nose, wrist, torn eardrum, torn muscles in my neck from being choked until i went to sleep and a severe concussion. I don’t need sympathy, I just don’t want this happening to anyone else, I just want this person to get help, my kids deserve better. That’s all i want. It hurts, everything hurts, this situation hurts, most importantly I’m scared and hurting for my kids who were witness to everything. Please respect my families privacy and stop with the disgusting rumors and allegations [sic].”

Bridges made headlines earlier this week when ESPN reported the Hornets declined to offer him a max contract.
Bridges is a restricted free agent who demanded $30 million per season in a max contract after turning down a 4-year, $60 million deal just prior to the start of his breakout 2021-22 season.