The “Eat your water” movement is gaining steam on social media. Influencers and even medical doctors advise their followers to eat water.
Instead of drinking water, they advise eating H3O2, a fictional term for “structured water.”
Dr. Bobby Price, a popular YouTuber with a large following, recorded a video titled “Here’s How to EAT Your Water,” describing H3O2.
Dr. Price posted another video titled “Drinking Water NOT The Best Way To Hydrate.”
And Yahki Rapha Elohim, a biochemist and former teacher, is going viral for waging a campaign against drinking water.
“Do not drink water. Dogs drink water. Camels drink water. Four legged beasts drink water,” he said in a viral video.
“Water industry is a trillion dollar corrupt industry,” he said. Yahki added that drinking water actually dehydrates your body. He said water is for humans to bathe in.

He goes on to explain that humans aren’t created to drink water because the human neck is not elongated. He also claimed the human tongue isn’t long enough to lap water like animals.

In a follow-up post, Yahki complained that his viral video was taken “completely out of context.”
Yahki’s 270K YouTube followers are grateful for his advice. He has 820,000 followers on Instagram.
One man wrote on YouTube: “As a white man in my 20s, I am beyond happy and excited that I found you and your content and knowledge. You are truly speaking truth and wisdom.”
Here are the facts: The human body is 60% water. The human brain is composed of 75% water. Our blood is 83% water. The human heart is 83%. Every cell in our body is mostly water.
Humans can only survive a few days without drinking water.
Who is behind the “eat water” movement? And why are they targeting Black people?