Kerry Washington wants to help educate children by speaking out about reproductive health in schools.
The mom-of-2 is partnering with Winx Health, a Gen-Z sexual and vaginal health brand.
As an advisor with Winx, Washington is “getting the word out” about the brand’s products and its educational efforts.

Washington, 47, says improving sex education has been a lifelong passion for her.
“When I was a teenager, I started working with a theater and education program that did a lot of sexuality education in high schools and community centers,” Washington tells PEOPLE. “And we wrote these skits about health and wellness and safer sex issues and homosexuality and abortion, and just sort of trafficking in this space has been important to me for a long time.”

For women, she says, “the ability to really know ourselves and take care of ourselves allows us to love ourselves.”
“Right now, it’s weird. It’s like — I wouldn’t say that I’m partnering with the company to be an activist, but just operating in the space of sexual health feels like a radical act right now, because of the attacks on reproductive rights and the attacks on education.”