ADAM GRAY/AFP via Getty Images

President Joe Biden shocked the Democratic Party when he wore a Trump MAGA 2024 hat after attending a 9/11 remembrance ceremony in Pennsylvania.

The incident occurred Wednesday, Sept. 11, while Biden visited with firefighters at a firehouse in Shanksville. Biden took part in a wreath-laying ceremony at the town’s 9/11 memorial site for United Airlines Flight 93. The airliner crashed in a field near Shanksville after it was hijacked by terrorists on Sept. 11, 2001.

Cell phone video captured Biden putting on a resident’s red cap with the words “TRUMP 2024” on the front.

“Can I see that hat?” Biden asked a man. “You want my autograph?” the man asked Biden. “Hell no,” Biden responded, as other village residents laughed.

The man handed his hat to Biden as residents yelled, “Put it on!”

“I ain’t going that far,” Biden said. Seconds later, he put the Trump hat on, as residents cheered, “There it is!”

“I’m proud of you now, you old fart,” said the hat owner. “What?” asked Biden, seemingly confused by what the man called him.

A Secret Service agent — who was well aware of the bad optics of the MAGA hat — stepped forward.

Another Secret Service agent crossed in front of the camera as the video ended.

The video quickly went viral online. Democrats tried to discredit the video as an AI-generated fake. But the White House confirmed the video’s authenticity.

White House deputy press secretary Andrew Bates immediately launched into damage control mode. He tweeted on Wednesday:

“At the Shanksville Fire Station, @POTUS spoke about the country’s bipartisan unity after 9/11 and said we needed to get back to that. As a gesture, he gave a hat to a Trump supporter who then said that in the same spirit, POTUS should put on his Trump cap. He briefly wore it.”

Republicans claim Biden put on the cap as a diss toward his Vice President Kamala Harris, who debated former President Donald Trump on Tuesday night.

“At this point even Joe Biden is voting for President Trump,” joked Florida Chief Financial Officer Jimmy Patronis on X (formerly Twitter).