Bishop T.D. Jakes, the founding pastor of the Potter’s House Church in Dallas, suffered a health incident on stage during a sermon on Sunday.
At the end of an hour-long sermon video, the exhausted bishop told his parishioners, “I still love to preach, I ain’t tired of preaching.”
“I love you,” he told the crowd as they applauded. “Now Lord let the words in my mouth and the meditation in my heart be acceptable in thy sight. Oh Lord, my strength, my redeemer, let them go in peace,” he said before dropping his mic.
His body swayed and he appeared to shake slightly as women in the church spoke in tongues. Jakes’ security team rushed to the stage and surrounded him.
It isn’t clear what happened to Bishop Jakes. Some people believe that he suffered either a stroke or a seizure. But doubters say he was faking because he was a regular guest at Sean Combs‘ house parties.
Pray For Bishop TD Jakes After Medical Emergency During Live Service.(24th Nov 2024).
TD Jakes || Potters House pic.twitter.com/ExGrlzmr8j
— PRINCE EHI NICHOLAS (@EhiNicholas) November 25, 2024
In a statement on Facebook, it was reported that Jakes received immediate medical attention and he is in stable condition.
“During today’s service, Bishop T.D. Jakes experienced a slight health incident and received immediate medical attention following his powerful hour long message,” the statement read. “Bishop Jakes is stable and under the care of medical professionals. The entire Potter’s House family is grateful for the outpouring of love, prayers, and support from the community. Thank you for your understanding and continued prayers.”
Late Sunday, Bishop Jakes’ daughter Sarah Jakes Roberts and her husband Toure Roberts, who are co-pastors at a Potter’s House Church in Los Angeles, gave an update on Instagram.