un•clock•a•ble (uhn-klok-uh-buhl) adjective
1. A complimentary word used to describe a M2F transsexual whose feminine appearance is totally convincing.
These two “girls” from Ireland used to be brothers. Jamie, 23, and Chloe O’Herlihy, 20, suffer from a mental disorder called gender dysphoria. The disorder causes sufferers to mutilate their bodies in a desperate bid to achieve the physical characteristics of the opposite sex.
The brothers, who are heterosexual, discovered they shared a fetish for feminine things in 2015 when they came out to each other.
“We talk a lot about our transition and it is great to have each other. We know exactly how each other feels,” Chloe tells Caters News.
“I was always one of the girls,” he added.
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