The Obama administration Follies continue as Barack Obama now realizes that gee, maybe he shouldn’t have considered releasing those confidential torture photos after all. Next, he’ll be blaming someone else within his administration for his own decision to release the secret CIA documents, which I’m sure our enemies were more than happy to view.

I can’t wait to hear the excuses from the Kool Aid drinkers who defended Obama’s dangerous decision to put the national security of this country at risk by revealing our secrets to the terrorists.

With Obama in the White House, who needs spies?

The Obama administration signaled yesterday that it may be rethinking its promise to release several dozen photos depicting abuse or alleged abuse of detainees held in U.S. custody abroad.

Justice Department officials told a federal judge late last month that the U.S. government did not intend to fight a court order to turn over a total of 44 photos, which were sought by the American Civil Liberties Union under a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit.

A U.S. attorney was unequivocal in a letter to the judge on April 23: “The parties have reached an agreement that the Defense Department will produce all the responsive images by May 28, 2009.”

But White House press secretary Robert Gibbs told reporters yesterday that President Obama has “great concern” about the impact that releasing the photos would have on soldiers fighting in Afghanistan and Iraq. Asked whether the Justice Department’s decision might be reversed, Gibbs declined to reaffirm the government’s intentions.

“I don’t want to get into that right now,” he said, adding a moment later that “I’m not going to add much to that right now.”

A follow-up e-mail to Gibbs seeking clarification was not returned. READ MORE…

Isn’t it time for Obama to step down before he does any more damage?