Jyoti Amge of India has been recognized by Guinness Book of World Records as the world’s shortest woman. Jyoti was known as the world’s shortest teenager until she turned 18 this year. Guinness said in a statement Jyoti has grown less than one centimetre (0.4 inch) in the last two years and will not grow any taller due to a form of dwarfism called achondroplasia.

The teenager stands at 24.7 inches tall – 2.76 inches shorter than the 22-year-old American who had held the title since September. She weighs about 10 lbs.

She receives a lot of support in her hometown of Nagpur, India, where she is treated like a minor celebrity. Jyoti lives with her parents and her 3 siblings. She attends school where she studies at a tiny desk made especially for her.

Jyoti burst into tears after receiving her plaque, and sharing a birthday cake with friends.

“I have put Nagpur on the world map. Now everyone will know where it is,” she said.
