A man physically assaulted a much smaller woman at a Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) office in Missouri.
Cell phone video shows a woman speaking with a DMV employee about her driver’s license. The woman became upset and turned to leave. That’s when the Black man approached her and assaulted her.
The man, who was dressed in causal clothing, identified himself as a police officer. After exchanging words with her, he grabbed the woman by the neck and began punching her repeatedly, knocking her to the floor.
The man stood over her and threatened her, telling her to “stay down.”
No one in the DMV stepped forward to assist the young lady.
Eventually, a police officer arrived and placed the woman in handcuffs — even though she was assaulted.
The video is an example of the double standard that exists in America. If the man had been white, all hell would break loose.
Watch the video below.