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Candace Owens sparked outrage among right-wing conservatives by pushing Jewish conspiracies in a recent livestream video.

Owens says Zionists are not the original Jews, they’re demon worshipers who are responsible for “pedophilia cabals” in America.

Owens went on to explain that elitist pedophiles are fleeing from America to Israel and receiving protection there. She says Congress sends billions of dollars in aid to Israel to protect the exiled pedophiles.

“There’s a problem here that we can’t get our pedophiles back from a nation that we’ve given billions of dollars to,” Owens said.

Owens also claims Jewish elites in America are responsible for modern-day pedophilia. She says if she is killed, her killers will be the “Frankists” – followers of the “Frankism” religion.

Fox News contributor Sarah A. Carter expressed concern for Owens in a post on

“I’ve known Candace for some time and admired her work on BLEXIT & as a valued voice in the conservative movement. Sadly, something seems to have gone wrong with Candace…”

Carter called on individuals and organizations to cancel Owens:

“I condemn Candace Owens, I condemn her disgraceful fall to espousing pure antisemitism, and I know there is no room in the conservative movement for an antisemite like Owens. I call upon any conservative individual or organization who still holds any ties to Owens to similarly condemn and cut off Owens.”

However, an X user posted links to news articles that describe pedophiles seeking refuge in Israel.