"Cosby" actor Geoffrey Owens is still struggling to make ends meet despite receiving financial help from Tyler Perry. Owens, 63, played Bill Cosby's son-in-law...
Georgia Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene laid out President-elect Donald Trump's plan to fire non-essential government employees. Trump and his advisor Elon Musk...
It is being called the greatest political stunt in American history. Former President Donald Trump clocked in to work at a Pennsylvania McDonald's franchise...
Nicki Minaj fired shots at departing executives during a wave of layoffs at Atlantic Records and Warner Music group. About 150 executives lost their jobs...
ESPN fired former Baltimore Ravens quarterback Robert Griffin III, according to The Athletic' Andrew Marchand. Griffin was terminated on Thursday...
Kenya Moore has been fired from "The Real Housewives of Atlanta" reality TV series. According to Love B. Scott, Kenya was shown the door...
More than a dozen Wells Fargo Bank employees are looking for work after they were fired for pretending to work from home.
American Airlines' flight attendants are so broke that they receive poverty verification letters to prove they live at or below the poverty level.
The NFL Network announced Friday it will not renew Michael Irvin's contract, a source confirmed to OutKick. Irvin joined the NFL Network in 2009.
Jess Hilarious was a no call, no show on what was supposed to be her first day as permanent host on The Breakfast Club