Michelle Obama told London schoolgirls they should view the coronavirus as a "great blessing" and an opportunity for growth
Latinx activists in Chicago protested renaming a middle school after Barack and Michele Obama on Tuesday
Proud mom Vanessa Bryant is celebrating her daughter Natalia Bryant getting accepted into USC
A San Francisco school board member refuses to resign after her old tweets resurfaced calling Asian Americans "house ni**ers"
A law professor was fired from Georgetown University after she said Black students always performed at the bottom of her class
Apollo Beach, Florida middle school educator and male model Thedartis M. Demps Jr. is today's Morning Wood
Center for Disease Control Director Robert Redfield says suicides and drug overdoses have surpassed the death rate for COVID-19
Rapper Future Hendrix knows the importance of a good education. The "Mask Off" rapper is giving scholarships
Teachers Encouraged to Use ‘Gender Snowperson’ in Classrooms to Teach Children About Gender Identity
Teachers are being encouraged to use a "Gender Snowperson" graphic to teach students about gender identity in sex education classes
Michelle Obama shared a childhood photo from her school yearbook to mark the Day of Charity on Thursday Sept. 5