Female impersonators are rejoicing at the news that Spelman College is considering admitting female impersonators to the all-female school. President
British actor Rupert Everett spoke out about parents and clinicians giving sex hormones to confused children to help them “transition”
Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools is instructing staffers to call girls and boys “students” or “scholars” unless they are transgender. The new policy
Atlanta’s Mayor Kasim Reed is appointing a female impersonator to the citizen’s review board. Tracee McDaniel, who was born male,
A Houston mother says she is fighting a “life or death” battle for her 4-year-old son to use the girl’s
un•clock•a•ble (uhn-klok-uh-buhl) adjective 1. A complimentary word used to describe a M2F transsexual whose feminine appearance is convincing. The one
A loyal reader on Twitter.com asked me to post this picture of Cindy Lou having one of his moments on
The U.S. Supreme Court granted an emergency order on Wednesday blocking a mentally ill girl from using the boys’ restroom
A retired general is adding his voice to the growing consensus of military leaders who oppose transsexual soldiers serving in
Another pervert has been arrested for taking advantage of Target’s liberal transgender policy. Police say Sean Patrick Smith, 43, of