“Real Housewives of NY” was my show! I might even buy the entire season on DVD – it was that good! The ‘wives’ of NY were real. They weren’t afraid to show their human side and emotions. I could identify with them even though our lives were worlds apart.

Not so with “Real Housewives of Atlanta” which premiered on BRAVO network last night. I missed the premiere, but loyal reader Morgan Mathews says the show was “horrible”. I can only imagine what the first episode was like. Atlanta sisters are unlike any I’ve encountered anywhere else.

The sisters on ‘Real Atlanta’ were probably more concerned with showing their perfect homes, cars and weave, rather than showing their flaws. I’m sure I won’t identify with any of these “real” sisters.

    Date: Thu, 31 Jul 2008 05:42:04
    From: Morgan Matthews
    To: sandra@sandrarose.com
    Subject: The Real “Embarrassment” of Atlanta

    Hi Sandra:

    I couldn’t WAIT for you to post about that horrible show last night. I can NOT believe the BRAVO couldn’t find any other beautiful, intelligent, classy women to represent Atlanta. WOW!!!!! I think the show would be a better fit for another network and I am sure there will be viewers…but I surely hope BRAVO doesn’t expect the same ratings they received from The Real Housewives of Orange County & The Real Housewives of New York.

    If I had to vote …….DeShawn Snow was DEFINITELY a beautiful person. Her internal humble spirit came through like a light!

    Have a great day & I can’t to see what you and other viewers have to say.